Is your website designed for active and inquisitive people? Do you feel your unique content requires an original and creative design? Are you in search of a theme that would be a harmonious extension to your thoughts? If you can answer in the affirmative at least to one of these questions, we guarantee that Reddish will be an excellent theme for you. Stylish, elaborate and user-friendly, it will go with your content like bread with butter. Its eyecatching design and a whole range of customization options provide you with unlimited possibility to make your posts truly unforgettable. What is more, Reddish is perfectly compatible with each BestWebSoft plugin. Therfore, to make your website truly unique, we suggest you install Gallery plugin, as well as Quotes and Tips plugin. This way, by installing one or both of these you get a killer combination – extended functionality and a guarantee that no compliance problems will ever occur.
* Cross-browser compatible
* Two-column design
* Animated Image Slider
* Fixed-width
* Threaded comments
* Translation-ready
* Pagination
* Customizable menus and widgets
* Customizable header image and background
* Main colors: white, red, blue, gray.
* Russian (ru_RU)
If you create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files for BestWebSoft and we’ll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.
Copyrights for resources used in this theme
1) The theme uses three external fonts. Below is license information for these fonts:
‘PT Sans’ font: Paratype PT Sans Free Font License v1.00 This license can also be found at this permalink: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/license/PT-Sans Copyright © 2009 ParaType Ltd. with Reserved Names “PT Sans” and “ParaType”.
‘Dosis’ font: SIL Open Font License v1.10 This license can also be found at this permalink: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/license/dosis Copyright (c) 2011, Edgar Tolentino and Pablo Impallari (http://www.impallari.com|impallari@gmail.com), Copyright (c) 2011, Igino Marini. (http://www.ikern.com|mail@iginomarini.com), with Reserved Font Names "Dosis".
‘Open sans’ font: Apache License v2.00 This license can also be found at this permalink: http://www.fontsquirrel.com/license/open-sans Apache License Version 2.0, January 2004 http://www.apache.org/licenses/
2) code in ‘script.js’ file has been created by BestWebSoft team and it is licensed under the GPL.
3) images located in ‘images’ folder are created by BestWebSoft team and they are licensed under the GPL.
4) the theme uses PIE script located in ‘js’ folder. Below is license information for PIE: Copyright 2010 Jason Johnston Licensed under the Apache License, Version 2.0 (the “License”); you may not use this file except in compliance with the License. You may obtain a copy of the License at http://www.apache.org/licenses/LICENSE-2.0 Unless required by applicable law or agreed to in writing, software distributed under the License is distributed on an “AS IS” BASIS, WITHOUT WARRANTIES OR CONDITIONS OF ANY KIND, either express or implied. See the License for the specific language governing permissions and limitations under the License.
- 1. Upload
directory to the/wp-content/themes/
directory on the server. - 2. Activate the theme via ‘Appearances’ > ‘Themes menu’ in your blog’s Dashboard.
How to display Sliding image gallery?
By default Sliding image gallery is not displayed on website pages. To display it, you need to select a checkbox ‘Display this post(page) in Image slider ‘ for at least one Post or Page in Edit Post or Edit Page screens.
How Posts and Pages without Featured images display?
Posts and Pages in which you have not added Featured images are displayed with the reminder “You have not uploaded Featured image” that is visible to website visitors,
so make sure that you always add Featured images to Posts and Pages displayed in Sliding image gallery.
What image size should I use for the Sliding image gallery?
The height of the Sliding image gallery is 406 px so you should use images that are 406 px in height otherwise
they will be cropped either from the sides or from the top and bottom.
The width of the image gallery is not set so you can use images of any width.
Can I not display Sliding image gallery at all?
To do this, you can select appropriate checkboxes on ‘Appearances’ > ‘Image Slider’ settings page or uncheck all ‘Display this post(page) in Image slider ‘ checkboxes for post or pages currently displayed in Slider.
Can I choose where to display Sliding Image Gallery?
You can do it on the ‘Appearances’ > ‘Image Slider’ settings page.
You can also select “Do not display Image Slider with this post(page)” checkboxes in Edit Page or Edit Post screens.
By default the Image Gallery is displayed only on the Front page.
How to display Custom Header image?
You can display Custom Header image by adding it via ‘Appearances’ > ‘Header’ menu.
Custom Header images should be 960px wide by 360px high otherwise they will be displayed incorrectly (resized and/or cropped).
Theme home page
V1.4 – 09.08.2016
* Bugfix: Fixed mismatch coding standards.
* Bugfix: Fixed theme markup and styles.
* Bugfix: Slider functionality and settings was fixed.
* New: We added option into slider settings for display only Posts and Pages which have a featured image.
* Update: Slider settings was moved to Customizer.
* Update: Theme functionality was improved.
* Update: Translation was updated.
* Update: Screenshot was updated to size 1200×900.
* Update: The theme has been tested for the compatibility with WordPress v.4.5.3.
* Update: Theme was transferred to new WordPress account.
1.3 – 30.07.2014
* Update: We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.9.1.
* Bugfix: We fixed bugs in script.js.
* Bugfix: We fixed bugs in style.css.
* New: We added reddich.pot file.
1.2 – 06.05.2014
* Update: We updated all functionality for wordpress 3.9.
* Bugfix: We fixed a bug for displaying custom header without header text in IE8.
1.1 – 04.11.2013
Change: Replaced code for EASYFADER slider with our own code located in ‘script.js’ file. Change: Replaced all ‘is_home’ conditional tags in theme files with ‘is_front_page’ conditional tags. Change: Changed ‘reddish_scripts_styles’ function to enqueue scripts and styles only on the front end.
1.0.9 – 28.10.2013
Bugfix: Changed code for displaying ‘breadcrumbs’.
1.0.8 – 25.10.2013
Change: Changed version number of GPL license and specified proper links to it in ‘readme.txt’ and ‘style.css’ files. Change: Changed Author and Author URI in ‘readme.txt’ and ‘style.css’ files. Change: Put EASYFADER code in a separate ‘slider.js’ file.
1.0.7 – 23.10.2013
Bugfix: Changed code in a function displaying ‘breadcrumbs’.
1.0.6 – 22.10.2013
Update: Added license information for some components used in the theme in ‘readme.txt’ file.
1.0.5 – 14.10.2013
Bugfix: Changed format of data displayed in the footer.
1.0.4 – 11.10.2013
Bugfix: Replaced get_stylesheet_uri() function for get_stylesheet_directory_uri() to enqueue style.css file. Added changes to style.css to correctly display very long titles in posts content. Changed format of data displayed in the footer.
1.0.3 – 09.10.2013
Bugfix: Put copyright notice for Reddish theme in readme.txt and style.css files. Added a proper prefix to all global variables used in the theme. changes to style.css to style tag cloud widget and to correctly display very long titles of posts and pages.
1.0.2 – 02.10.2013
Fixed bugs.
1.0.1 – 25.09.2013
We fixed the bugs.