Phat is a theme for people, who have a unique worldview and wish to share it with the readers. Phat is for individuals, who dare to challenge convention. With this theme, you can be assured that your website will stay off the beaten track, and people will keep coming for more of your edgy stories. Venturesome and smart, Phat is perfect for Movie reviews, Storytelling, Business news, Customer Reviews, Community events, Public appearances, Service Centers, Product reviews, Entertainment News & Celebrity Sites, Business magazines, Stock information and many more!
* Russian (ru_RU)
If you create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files for BestWebSoft and we’ll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for work with PO and MO files Poedit.
Copyrights for Resources used in this theme
The images used in the Phat Theme in the “images” folder are under GPL v2 License and have been created by BestWebSoft.
2 external fonts from google fonts repository have been used: Open Sans and Bevan.
The “css” folder contains styles for jQuery plugins used in the theme and they are under MIT License.
script.js has been created by BestWebsoft and it is under GPL v2 License. It includes the following jQuery plugins distributed under MIT license (http://www.opensource.org/licenses/mit-license.php):
1) iCheck v1.0.2: javascript plugin to replace checkboxes and radio buttons * plugin URI: http://git.io/arlzeA * Author: Damir Sultanov. * License: MIT.
2) NiceFileInput.js jQuery Plugin: jQuery plugin which makes file inputs CSS styling an easy task. * plugin URI: https://github.com/alterebro/jQuery.NiceFileInput.js * Author: Jorge Moreno. * License: MIT.
3) jQuery selectBox – A cosmetic, styleable replacement for SELECT elements * plugin URI: https://github.com/marcj/jquery-selectBox * Author: Marc J. Schmidt. * License: MIT.
* Phat incorporates code from Twentytwelve Theme by WordPress team, Copyright 2012 WordPress, released under GPL.
Everything else used in this theme has been created by BestWebSoft, especially for the Phat theme and is distributed under GPL license.
Manual installation:
Upload the phat
folder to the /wp-content/themes/
Installation using “Add New Theme”
- 1. From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Themes -> Add New.
- 2. Search for ‘Phat.’
- 3. Click the ‘Install’ button to open the theme’s repository listing.
- 4. Click the ‘Install’ button.
Activation and Use
Activate the Theme through the ‘Themes’ menu in WordPress
The Theme doesn’t include any widgets. If you want to display a widget: please add it manually in Apearance>widgets to sidebar. You can change the set of widgets at your choice. The same conditions can be applied to the menu.
Theme home page
V2.3 – 05.07.2016
* New: The ‘title-tag’ theme support was added.
* Bugfix: Fixed mismatch coding standards.
* Bugfix: Fixed theme styles.
* Update: Unnecessary files category.php and tag.php have been removed.
* Update: Screenshot was updated to size 1200×900.
* Update: The theme has been tested for the compatibility with WordPress v.4.5.3.
* Update: Theme was transferred to new WordPress account.
V2.2 – 30.07.2014
* Update: Theme was tested with wordpress 3.9.1.
* New: We add phat.pot file.
V2.1 – 24.04.2014
* Changed header styles, left padding refactored to percent instead of px
* Changed left indentation of sidebar
V2.0 – 18.04.2014
* The styles for `pre` tag in entry content div with paragraph tag inside were changed
* Radiobutton and checkbox inputs were completely remade
* Screenshot was replaced
* Back to top button was added
V1.1.7 – 10.02.2014
* Added Author URI into readme.txt
* Changed footer.php
* Added note about incorporating code from Twentytwelve Theme into readme.txt
V1.1.6 – 07.02.2014
* Corrected google fonts import
* Few changes in header.php according to WordPress Codex
* Corrected XFN profile link
* Removed fluid-layout tag from style.css
V1.1.5 – 05.02.2014
* Changed header styles, added copyrights.
V1.1.4 – 05.02.2014
* Fixed image in caption issue
* Added min-width for .posts div for correct display content when browser window was shrunk
* Changed footer text
V1.1.3 – 30.01.2014
* Changes in functions.php
* Changes in header.php
* Theme was tested with wordpress 3.8.1
* Changelog was added into readme.txt
* Header change color support was added
* Comments template was remade
* `pre` tag style was changed
* Text padding for pictures was added
V1.1.2 – 09.01.2014
* Styles for comments template were remade.
* Image.php template was modified.
* Site description issue with markup was fixed.
* Padding for thumbnail image div was added.
* Search bug was fixed.
V1.1.1 – 08.01.2014
* Styles for comments template were remade.
* Image.php template was added.
* Site description issue with markup was fixed.
* Added padding for thumbnail image div.
* Search bug was fixed.
V1.1.0 – 07.01.2014
* New strings were added to language translation ru_RU.po.
* Pagination links were removed from page.php.
* Action Hooks were rearranged in functions.php.
* jsCrunch function was added to functions.php for correct maintanance of BWS Gallery plugin. It fixes layout issue when single gallery is displayed.
* All template files were aligned with the requirements of the WordPress Codex.
* Sub-element style was removed for :visited from all links.
* Comment Form styles were refactored.
* Some tweaks were done and minor bugs were fixed.
V1.0 – 2.12.2013
* Release date of Phat.