Are you looking for an ideal theme for your travel notes? Cheap Travel – is exactly what you need! This theme has fresh, airy design, styled in soft blue, white and gray tones. It is incredibly easy to use, considering the fact that it has a lot of great features. This theme will be useful for travelers, travel blogs, travel guides, photography, souvenir shops, and many more. Be sure – you will enjoy it!
* Cross-browser compatible
* Two-column design
* Animated Image Slider
* Fluid-layout
* Threaded comments
* Translation-ready
* Pagination
* Customizable header image
* Main colors: white, blue, gray
* Russian (ru_RU)
If you would like to create your own language pack or update the existing one, you can send the text of PO and MO files to BestWebSoft, and we’ll add it to the plugin. You can download the latest version of the program for working with PO and MO files Poedit.
Copyrights for Resources used in this theme
* 1 External font from Google Webfonts is used in Theme:
– Open Sans – http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Open+Sans
License: Apache License Version 2.0
Copyright: Steve Matteson, https://profiles.google.com/107777320916704234605/about
– PT Sans – https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/PT+Sans
License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1
Copyright: ParaType, https://plus.google.com/103818481108182425860/about
– Montserrat – http://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Montserrat
License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1
Copyright: Julieta Ulanovsky
– Lato – https://www.google.com/fonts/specimen/Lato
License: SIL Open Font License, 1.1
Copyright: Łukasz Dziedzic, https://plus.google.com/+%C5%81ukaszDziedzicABC/about
* The following js-files are used in the Theme:
– “html5shiv.js” file in the “js” folder:
License: MIT/GPL2 Licensed
Source: https://github.com/aFarkas/html5shiv
Copyright: HTML5 Shiv v3.7.3 | @afarkas @jdalton @jon_neal @rem |
– bws-gallery-portfolio.js, bws-gallery-aside.js, ie.js, script.js in the “js” folder
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Copyright: the Bestwebsoft team, https://github.com/bestwebsoft
– “bootstrap.js” file in the “js” folder:
Source: http://getbootstrap.com/
– jquery.formstyler.js in the “js” folder
License: MIT License.
Copyright: Dimox | http://dimox.name/jquery-form-styler/
– “css3-mediaqueries.js” file in the “js” folder:
Source: https://css3-mediaqueries-js.googlecode.com/svn/trunk/css3-mediaqueries.js
License: MIT License
* The following images are used in the “img” folder in the Theme
License: GNU General Public License v2 or later
Copyright: the Bestwebsoft team, https://github.com/bestwebsoft
* The following images are used in the screenshot for the Theme
License: CC0 Public Domain
Everything else used in this theme has been created by BestWebSoft, specifically for Traveler theme, and is distributed under GPL license.
Manual installation:
1. Upload the “Cheap Travel” folder to “/wp-content/themes/” directory.
Installation using “Add New Theme”
1. From your Admin UI (Dashboard), use the menu to select Themes -> Add New.
2. Search for “Cheap Travel”.
3. Click “Install” button to open the theme’s repository listing.
4. Click “Install” button.
Activation and Use
1. Activate the Theme through “Themes” menu in WordPress
After the theme is installed, the metabox “Slider Settings” will appear in WordPress admin panel in the post editing section.
In this metabox you will see two input fields: text-field and checkbox. If you mark the checkbox, the featured image of this particular post will appear in the slider.
Every post (or page) has its own metabox, so if you go to another post (or page) and mark the checkbox, there the featured image of that post (or page) will be added to the slider as well, and the slider will have two slides. You can add as many posts (or pages) to the slider as you want.
The slider itself is located on the frontpage and consists of four parts: description (short description typed into the text-field in the metabox “Slider Settings”), title (title of post), learn more (Displays the excerpt of the current post), image (featured image of the post).
For slider, We recommend using an image with the width equal to 3000px, height 479px.
Post Thumbnail Functionality
For post thumbnails, we recommend using the image with the width equal to 640px, height 250px.
Post Formats: ‘aside’, ‘image’, ‘video’, ‘audio’, ‘quote’, ‘link’, ‘gallery’, ‘chat’, ‘status’
Traveler WordPress theme supports only these post formats. Please style them in a certain way. Other post formats will be displayed as regular posts.
The Theme includes standard Widgets. The following widgets are shown by default: search, categories, recent posts, archives. Also implemented a custom widget Cheap Travel Recent Posts.
How to use the thumbnail and caption?
Create a new Post or edit an existing one. Please find the “Featured Image” box and click the “Set featured image” button. You’ll see a window with your media library. Select one of the images or upload another one. After that, find an “Attachment Details” field and add the caption for your image.
How to use the Post Formats?
Create a new Post or edit an existing one and select one of the options from the “Format” box. Use the Post Formats to customize its presentation of a post.
How can I change the language from English into Russian?
Change the language in the admin settings screen. Settings > General > Site Language.
Cheap Travel Homepage
V1.8 – 16.06.2016
* Bugfix: Fixed mismatch coding standards.
* Update: Translation was updated.
* Update: The theme has been tested for the compatibility with WordPress v.4.5.2.
* Update: Theme was transferred to new WordPress account.
V1.7 – 24.03.2016
* Update: Theme URI and Author URI has been changed.
V1.6 – 23.02.2016
* Bugfix: Link to Live demo preview was fixed.
V1.5 – 18.02.2016
* Update: Slider functionality has been optimized
* Update: Theme URI has been changed to Git
V1.4 – 17.02.2016
* New: “editor-style.css” file has been added
* Update: Slider functionality has been updated
* Bugfix: Theme prefix for connecting third-party scripts has been removed
* New: Licenses for PT Sans font, Genericons, Images in the screenshot have been added
* Update: Third-party scripts files for css3-mediaqueries.js, html5 have been replaced
V1.3 – 25.01.2016
* Update: We updated readme.txt file.
V1.2 – 21.01.2016
* NEW: The theme has been tested for the compatibility with WordPress v.4.4.1.
V1.1 – 26.10.2015
* NEW: Added the site description.
* Update: The following files were updated: style.css, header.php, footer.php, searchform.php, functions.php.
V1.0 – 23.10.2015
* NEW: Ability to use the theme on your site.